What happens in a Power Hour call
Ever wondered what happens on one of our Power Hour calls? Well we have you covered. Below we have highlighted the topics of conversation that you might want to discuss and how you can get the most out of your call.
Already know what happens? Get in touch to schedule your Power Hour call!

Have you started up your own brand and thinking about creating your own branding? We can discuss your ideas or designs and give professional feedback to help you create the brand you have dreamed of. With our knowledge, tools and skillset in branding, we can help guide you on whats crucial in creating a successful brand identity and direct you on the steps to getting there.
Brand identity can be a difficult thing to establish, especially when just starting out. Calling in an expert at this point may be more beneficial, especially if this process begins to feel daunting. When working with a designer, they will want to work alongside you to come to agreements about what you want for the brand. ****We’re here to follow your every wish to build a brand that represents everything you’re working towards, so if this is something you need assisting on, we’d love to hear from you.
Stuck in a rut with ideas for upcoming social or email content? Ideation is the process of generating fresh ideas that can be transformed into innovative solutions.
Our process will allow you to share with us your aim for your upcoming marketing, including the message and what you hope to achieve. This will then help us with exploring ideas that are suited to your brand and targeted audience. These ideas will need to be realistic, we don’t want to bombard you with lots of ideas that you just won’t have time to implement, we will help to identify key marketing ideas that you can develop and action successfully.
Together, we can discuss the images or graphics best suited to the content helping you to get started with a clear understanding of your target marketing.

If you are trying to look at your own website with a critical eye, it’s hard to know where to start and how to be objective about your brand. It can be a challenge to critique the usability, flow and design of your site, particularly if you built it yourself. Design critique simply refers to the process of analysing a design to determine if it meets the criteria and requirements of the project. Getting a designer to have a look and review your site, will allow you to receive professional feedback who has a clear understanding of design and why something might not be performing in the way it should be.

A few tips to prepare for a Power Hour call…
Send over the topic ahead of time, so we can prepare
Try not to make too many more changes between sharing the designs and the call
Bring a notebook for ideas and actions
Grab a mug of something delicious
We hope that has cleared up a little bit about a Power Hour call and what you can get out of one. If you’re interested in booking yourself in for a Power Hour call, please get in touch, we would really love to hear from you!