How does having professional branding make me more money?

So, you’re thinking about investing in professional branding but you don’t entirely understand the value of it? Here we discuss how having professional branding has the potential to make you more money!

Having strong branding has the ability to completely transform your business, with it creating an individual visual identity, like no other. However, it has so much more worth than just face value. Branding helps in attracting the right client who will convert, be loyal and recommend your business to others. Which ultimately will bring you in more money. Continue reading below to find out how else branding could make a difference to your brand.

Wait, I do understand the value of branding…



Alongside effective marketing, strong branding helps to generate brand awareness. Being one of the greatest challenges for a business, awareness is one of the most significant values a business could have. You want your business to be known, otherwise potential customers aren’t aware of your brand’s offerings, and you need this to grow. Awareness is crucial, and with professional branding, your business will make an impact on current and potential clients, leaving a memorable impact.


This is what gives a brand more substance and helps it to stand out from its competitors. Branding helps to build your brand and personality. The best brands do this really well! Consumers are buying from them because they engage with the brand in an emotional way. This point highlights back to a blog post we posted recently; Ways to resonate on an emotional level with your clients. Check this out to discover what you should be doing to be resonating on an emotional level with your clients.

Fundamentally, powerful, meaningful and engaging brands help businesses sell more products or services. They are sold to more people, more often and probably at a higher price. Get the branding right and the opportunities will follow!



Personality feeds into communication. Branding not only helps to build a personality but it helps to communicate it visually. Branding is far more than just a logo. Branding is built up by several components which communicates the brand’s purpose, meaning and values. Communicating this well through branding helps to do the talking for your brand.


Professional branding adds wealth to your business. It demonstrates the professionalism of the brand building up an established reputable business. Having effective and memorable branding helps to build up the brand’s reputation in the customer’s minds. This reputation then has the power to influence the market price of its goods or services.


Consistency is key! Professional branding helps to bring consistency to a brand. Everything has a meaning behind it, tailored specifically to your brand. Having a reputable, successful business is the end goal, but keeping up with delivering the same brand personality and communications is vital. You must keep a consistent message to keep your customers loyal and emotionally attached to the brand’s promise. Professional branding will help with this, but this needs to be carried out throughout all aspects of the business for it to be successful!


Every business has a target audience with which it needs to engage. Designers work alongside the brand to ensure that the business’ branding is continuously engaging positively with your targeted audience. You want to be sure you’re attracting the correct people, to guarantee conversions, and branding is a huge factor to encourage this. You want your branding to ‘speak’ to these consumers on a deeper level, and by having professional branding tailored to you, this is assured!

In short, branding is the reasons why someone buys a product or service. It’s been known that businesses who are just starting out, are sometimes sceptical of the value of professional branding, we hope these studio notes have helped to give an understanding of it’s worth!

If you need help with creating branding for a new business or want help with a rebrand, get it touch! We would love to hear more and help create a brand you’re proud of!

Lucianne Uwins

I’m Lucianne, a creative designer specialising in website design, branding, marketing collateral for businesses large and small particularly within the retail sector. I also love to work with brides and grooms-to-be on their wedding branding, websites, invitations and more.

I help businesses grow using a personalised, hands-on approach to your brand identity and design requirements.

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Ways to resonate on an emotional level with your clients