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How brand guidelines save you money ⚡️

We know marketing is important in most businesses with many retail brands having huge marketing budgets to ensure footfall into store or traffic to their websites. Having great products/services and customer care is vital in making a successful business but without attracting clients that want to use your business, your success is at risk.

Branding can seem like a big investment when starting up a new business, but more than just a logo, brand identity gives your business its personality! Attracting clients through marketing requires showcasing your business in its best light, as well as communicating how you can make your clients’ lives easier and better. You are there to help them achieve a goal and this is why good branding is important.

But, what happens if the branding is used by different staff members as your business grows (remember outsourcing and hiring will happen!)? If you don’t have brand guidelines, marketing materials all start to look a bit different from each other and consistency and the professional feeling to your brand is weakened.

Brand guidelines stop this by having a reference document ready to share, which offers a simple way to keep consistency, look professional and ensure you aren’t wasting money on marketing assets that aren’t fit for purpose. They protect your aesthetic by being a comprehensive reference point, or book of ‘rules’ of application, for employees and third party suppliers.


  • They keep consistency by minimising application interpretation.

  • They set parameters of how to use design assets without suppressing creativity.

  • Saves you money by saving time on design amends.

  • Save you money and time rectifying a poor first impression through an application that isn’t on-brand.

  • Stops you from missing opportunities by seeing a return on marketing investment, through showcasing the brand and message in a way that attracts and converts the right audience.

At Soley Creative, not only do we create brad guides as part of all of our brand identity packages, but we will use brand guidelines created by other branding specialists to roll out assets that are on-brand and on-time, every time.

Got a project in mind, or need some help formulating outstanding brand guidelines? Fill out the contact form by clicking the button below and we’ll be in touch.

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