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5 ways to increase your brand’s revenue and perceived value

Are you stuck in rut and wondering what you could do to help increase your brand’s revenue? Or are you questioning how you could add value to your business, which down the line will result in increasing your revenue?

Here are a few top tips we have learnt from working with a number of businesses, big and small.


Good branding is vital in helping a business become established, and eventually, grow. You want to attract the right customer who will convert, be loyal and recommend your business to others. Which ultimately will bring you in more money. We talk further about the benefits of branding in a recent studio notes post; How does having professional branding make me more money - check it out to delve in a bit deeper!

Or if you don’t feel your current branding is doing this, how about thinking about a rebrand? This might be just what your business needs to excel! Introducing a designer to your brand ahead of a rebrand will give your brand fresh creative eyes, resulting in transformation!


Gaining a better understanding of your customers’ needs and wants will help you to build a better relationship with them resulting in a better experience, encouraging their loyalty and commitment to your brand. There are lots of different ways you could add value to your customers’ experience, from offering free resources in return to signing up to your newsletter, to developing a memorable customer experience and consistently working to improve customer satisfaction. Implementing small little add ons can make a big impact!


As your business grows, you’ll begin to learn new things about your customers and you’ll develop a clearer understanding of what they need. Has a customer expressed a problem to you that they have struggled with, something that you were able to help with? Adding new products or services that offer a solution for something your current customers are facing will help to add increasing value to your business. Not only will it help current customers but will also help to bring in new, ultimately resulting in more revenue for your business!


Marketing is how business’s reach new potential customers, turning them into repeat ones. There are so many different ways of marketing your business, with digital marketing becoming paramount in today’s day, to create a successful business. By adding a new marketing method to your marketing plan, or even just upping your game on one that you already use will really help to attract new customers to your business. The more people that know about your brand, the more sales you will get, meaning your take-home will be higher! What about looking at international expansion? The world really is your oyster!


By adding more and more value to your business, if that’s branding, marketing, products/services or customer experience this is all adding worth to your business. You’re building up a reputable brand, and your customers will begin to pay for the brand rather than the service. Increase your prices as the worth of your services go up, this will really help with increasing your revenue!

Got a project in mind, or need some help formulating outstanding brand guidelines? Fill out the contact form by clicking the button below and we’ll be in touch.

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